The Naked Gospel
The Naked Gospel explores what it means for humans to be sexed image bearers who are made by a relational God.
To that end, we have candid and raw discussions about relationships, sexual ethics, theology, pornography, sex trafficking, singleness, marriage, and everything in between.
The Naked Gospel
Why Do Christians Continue to Sin?? Practical Theology with Don Love
The Christian life isn't always straight forward. What does it mean to experience God? How important is Scripture? Is truth more about knowing facts or knowing a person? Can we really say we've been saved from sin if we continue to sin? Why does it sometimes seem so hard to follow God? Theologian, Don Love, joins us to answer these questions and more!
Join the Naked Gospel Disruptor Initiative! https://www.provenmen.org/disruptors/
Don Love spent almost two decades as a Biblical Studies professor and during that time, he taught over 10,000 students. He holds BS in Biblical Studies and Youth Ministries, an MAR in Church Ministries, a Masters of Divinity (MDiv), a Masters of Theology (ThM), and a PhD in Biblical Theology. His desire is to teach others how to pray through things and how to discuss Biblical truths of the Kingdom of God, the Role of the Holy Spirit, Intimacy with God and Inner-healing through prayer. His most recent authored works are Pray Through It: Letting God Right Your Story and “Worship in the Gospel of John” in Biblical Worship: Theology for God’s Glory (Biblical Theology for the Church). He is the host of our Unquenchable Podcast and a professor and course designer for our Prayer Discipleship School.