The Naked Gospel
The Naked Gospel explores what it means for humans to be sexed image bearers who are made by a relational God.
To that end, we have candid and raw discussions about relationships, sexual ethics, theology, pornography, sex trafficking, singleness, marriage, and everything in between.
The Naked Gospel
Christian Friendship: What is Non-Erotic Love?? A Conversation with Ned Bustard
Ned Bustard is an accomplished artist and author, and his most recent work is a children's book about Saint Valentine. Ned joins us for a conversation about intimacy and what it looks like to have affectionate friendship. And we also get to hear the history of Saint Valentine!
Become a Disruptor and help support this show! https://www.provenmen.org/disruptors/
Check out Ned's book, Saint Valentine the Kindhearted: https://www.ivpress.com/saint-valentine-the-kindhearted
About Ned:
Ned Bustard is a graphic designer, a children's book illustrator, an author, and a printmaker. As the creative director for Square Halo Books, Inc. and curator of the Square Halo Gallery, Ned has lectured at colleges, schools, churches, and conferences. His work is found in numerous titles including Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver, The O in Hope, Revealed: A Storybook Bible for Grown-Ups, and Every Moment Holy. He lives with his family in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nedbustard
Read Ned's article, "Helping Children Understand Lent through the Lens of Love."
Follow him on Twitter: @nedbustard.
Visit his website at worldsendimages.com
Podcast: https://www.squarehalobooks.com/podcasts
Here is a link to the conference Ned mentioned: https://www.squarehalobooks.com/2024-conference